
The official#

I’m a technical writer with decades of experience documenting software products for enterprise users.

When it comes to technical writing, I value logic, clarity, and accuracy. These three attributes are also what I’m most proud of in my work.

Find me at LinkedIn or contact me if you’re intersted to know more.

The original …#

In 2015, Merriam-Webster named the suffix -ism Word of the Year. Well, the prefix -re deserves no less…

Rethink, reinvent, rebuild, repurpose, are just a few that came to mind. Not to mention the universal desire to reconnect in the post-pandemic world.

But, what does that have to do with this retold?

Humans learn through stories. While what actually matters is the story we tell ourselves.

We all know that the same story could be interpreted differently by different people. Even for the same person, the same story could be read differently at different stages of one’s life.

Does that mean we were wrong at some point? Not necessarily. It may well mean we have learned more and begin to see things from a different perspective.

That’s the whole point of retold.